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Definition: The capability of an ecosystem or project to face and survive disruptions.Determine

Metrics Models


Metrics NameDefinitionThresholdWeight
Contributor CountDetermine how many active code commit authors, pr authors, review participants, issue authors, and issue comments participants there are in the past 90 days200018.009%
Commit frequencyDetermine the average number of commits per week in the past 90 days.100018.009%
Updated SinceDetermine the average time per repository since the repository was last updated (in months).0.25-12.742%
Org CountNumber of organizations to which active code contributors belong in the past 90 days.1011.501%
Created SinceDetermine how long a repository has existed since it was created (in months).1207.768%
Issue Comment FrequencyDetermine the average number of comments per issue created in the last 90 days.57.768%
Code Review CountDetermine the average number of review comments per pull request created in the last 90 days84.919%
Updated Issues CountDetermine the number of issues updated in the last 90 days.25004.919%
Recent Releases CountDetermine the number of releases in the last year.123.177%
Maintainer CountDetermine the average number of maintainers per repository.1002.090%
Meeting CountDetermine the number of meetings held in the last 90 days.1002.090%
Meeting Attendee CountDetermine the average number of attendees per meeting in the last 90 days.102.090%

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