Welcome to the OSS Compass Community!
We provide a public SaaS platform OSS Compass for open source community health analytics, that is open for all the projects hosted on Github, Gitee, etc.
Our Vision
Through Oss Compass, we help people who need community data analysis, including but not limited to OSPOs, community managers, academic researchers, project owners, maintainers, developers, etc.
By analyzing real data from a large number of open source projects, and referring to research results from industry best practices and academics, we create an open source community Ecosystem Evaluation System that can be continuously improved and evolved, and give back to the general open source communities by means of Oss Compass.
We have multiple communication channels such as chat, issues, etc. You can refer to this page.
OSS Compass follows the best practices of the CHAOSS projects, including metrics models and metrics, with some back-end components originally from Grimoirelabs. Our heartfelt thanks to the CHAOSS Community.
Governing Board




开源专家,企业智能化转型---星策社区发起人,在 Sun/百度/腾讯等有 20 余年开源开发、运营、治理经验,中国开源推进联盟副秘书长,Apache 开源软件基金会成员,Linux 基金会 AI & Data Outreach 主席。

华为工程师, LF CHAOSS Board
主要负责开源社区生态评估体系的构建和工程化落地的工作。在 LF CHAOSS 社区担任董事,负责开源社区健康度量的指标和模型构建工作。

独立开发者,Drone.cool 站长,Laravel China 社区版主


Technical Committee

Outreach Committee

Assessment Model Working Group

SaaS Working Group